As children grow into early childhood, their world begins to open up. Children will become more independent and begin to focus more on adults and children outside of the family. They will want to explore and ask about things around them even more. This age marks the transition from toddler to preschooler. By age three, children have mastered most physical skills and begin to develop socially with peers in cooperative and often more focused play. These active, hands-on learners become expressive, and social members of a group. They begin to sit for longer periods of time, listen to stories, sing songs, and repeat simple rhymes. Our Preschool program includes extracurricular activities which includes Music, Yoga, Art, Dance and even Science experiments. These activities helps your child develop and prepare for school. Visit our Preschool Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn, NY 11235 and learn more about our program.
We know that parents want to watch their children grow and have partnered with Watch me Grow to offer real time streaming videos. Parents and grant-parents can watch their child through out their day at our facility.